Results for 'Mario Enrico Pè'

966 found
  1.  81
    The abandonment of maize landraces over the last 50 years in Morelos, Mexico: a tracing study using a multi-level perspective.Denise E. Costich, Matteo Dell’Acqua, Mario Enrico, Conny J. M. Almekinders, Tania Carolina Camacho-Villa & Francis Denisse McLean-Rodríguez - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):651-668.
    Understanding the causes of maize landrace loss in farmers’ field is essential to design effective conservation strategies. These strategies are necessary to ensure that genetic resources are available in the future. Previous studies have shown that this loss is caused by multiple factors. In this longitudinal study, we used a collection of 93 maize landrace accessions from Morelos, Mexico, and stored at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Maize Germplasm Bank, to trace back to the original 66 donor (...)
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  2. Il demoniaco in Kierkegaard.Mario Enrico Cerrigone - 2002 - Divus Thomas 105 (2):59-87.
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  3. La dimensión hispanoamericana : de Ortega a Octavio Paz.Enrico Mario Santí - 1992 - In Ciriaco Morón Arroyo (ed.), Ortega y Gasset: un humanista para nuestro tiempo. Erie, Pa.: ALDEEU.
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  4. Vita e psiche.Enrico Mario Catullo - 1973 - Genova : Realizzazioni grafiche artigiana,:
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  5. Omaggio a Ludovico Geymonat.Enrico Bellone, Corrado Mangione, Giulio Giorello, Marco Mondadori, Gabriele Lolli, Silvano Tagliagambe, Francesco Barone, Umberto Bottazzini, Vincenzo Cappelletti, Domenico Costantini, Piero Mangani, Carlos Minguez, Alberto Pasquinelli, Rossano Pancaldi & Mario Servi - 1992 - Franco Muzzio Editore.
  6. Trente-quatrième année N 133-134 1980.Enrico Berti, Mario Mignucci, Walter Leszi, Jaakko Hintikka, Lambros Couloubaritsis, Evelyn M. Barker, Jonathan Barnes, Jacques Brunschwig, Charles Lefèvre & Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1980 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 131:337.
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    Discussione su" La fragilità del bene. Fortuna ed etica nella tragedia e nella filosofia greca" di Martha C. Nussbaum.Enrico Berti, James Conant & Mario Vegetti - 1997 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 10 (1):157-178.
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    Discussione su "Nirvana" di Gabriele Salvatores.Enrico Livraghi & Mario Pezzella - 1997 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 10 (3):563-570.
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    The Politics of PoeticsThe Poetic Modes of Octavio PazOctavio Paz: Poesia y Poetica. [REVIEW]Enrico Mario Santi, Rachel Phillips & Monique J. Lemaitre - 1978 - Diacritics 8 (4):28.
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  10. L'interpretazione Dei Fenomeni Della Vita.Giovanni Azzone, Enrico Berti, Giovanni Federspil, Pietro Omodeo & Mario Sala - 1983 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 1 (4):56-66.
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    Borges and Politics.Emir Rodriguez Monegal, Enrico Mario Santi & Carlos J. Alonso - 1978 - Diacritics 8 (4):55.
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    The view from outside: On a distinctively cinematic achievement.Mario De Caro & Enrico Terrone - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (2):154-170.
    What aesthetic interest do we have in watching films? In a much debated paper, Roger Scruton argued that this interest typically comes down to the interest in the dramatic representations recorded by such films. Berys Gaut and Catharine Abell criticized Scruton’s argument by claiming that films can elicit an aesthetic interest also by virtue of their pictorial representation. In this article, we develop a different criticism of Scruton’s argument. In our view, a film can elicit an aesthetic interest that does (...)
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    Psychological Treatments and Psychotherapies in the Neurorehabilitation of Pain: Evidences and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  14. Mario Dal Pra junior teacher in Vicenza.Enrico I. Rambaldi - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (2):397-401.
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    Dalpra, Mario-in-memoriam.Enrico Rambaldi - 1992 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 47 (1):9-45.
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    Development and initial validation of the Cardiovascular Disease Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in an Italian sample of cardiac patients.Chiara A. M. Spatola, Emanuele A. M. Cappella, Christina L. Goodwin, Matteo Baruffi, Gabriella Malfatto, Mario Facchini, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Gian Mauro Manzoni & Enrico Molinari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Mario Dal Pra giovane insegnante a Vicenza.Enrico Rambaldi - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  18. Enrico Zuppi: Le frontiere della comunicazione e della stampa.Mario Guidotti - 2002 - Studium 98 (5):731-741.
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    Interview: Roberto Fernandez Retamar.Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria, Roberto Fernandez Retamar, Olga T. Ros & Enrico Mario Santi - 1978 - Diacritics 8 (4):76.
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  20. La nuova ragione. Scienza e cultura nella società contemporanea.Paolo Rossi, Jean Dieudonné, René Thom, Clifford A. Truesdell, Tullio Regge, Ugo Amaldi, Enrico Bellone, Isabelle Stengers, Francisco J. Ayala, Vittorio Sgarabella, Yehuda Elkana, William Leiss, Saverio Avveduto, Abdul-Razzak Kaddoura & Mario Borillo (eds.) - 1981 - Scientia/Il Mulino.
  21.  14
    Et vos estote parati: Mario Dal Pra, la vigilia.Enrico Rambaldi - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Mario Vegetti.Enrico Berti - 2019 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:707-723.
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    Psychological Considerations in the Assessment and Treatment of Pain in Neurorehabilitation and Psychological Factors Predictive of Therapeutic Response: Evidence and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  24. Enciclopedia Filosofica.Virgilio Melchiorre, Paul Gilbert, Michele Lenoci, Antonio Pieretti, Massimo Marassi, Francesco Botturi, Francesco Viola, Elena Bartolini, Sergio Cremaschi, Sergio Givone, Carmelo Vigna, Alfredo Cadorna, Giuseppe Forzani, Mario Piantelli, Alberto Ventura, Mario Gennari, Guido Cimino, Mauro Fornaro, Paolo Volonté, Enrico Berti, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Gregorio Piaia, Claudio Ciancio, Marco Maria Olivetti, Roberto Maiocchi, Maria Vittoria Cerutti & Sergio Galvan (eds.) - 2006 - Milan: Bompiani.
    The 'Enciclopedia Filosofica' is an encyclopaedia of philosophical topics promoted by the Centre for Philosophical Studies of Gallarate and published, in its third and last edition in 2006, by the Bompiani publishing house in Milan. The first edition of the 'Enciclopedia Filosofica' was promoted by the Centre for Philosophical Studies of Gallarate in the 1950s, seeing the light in 1957-58. A second edition, published by the Sansoni publishing house in Florence, was published in 1968-69 and reprinted in 1979. The third (...)
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  25.  10
    Dalpra, Mario and the positive existentialism of Abbagnano, Nicola.Enrico I. Rambaldi - 1995 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 50 (1):41-72.
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    Fascicolo speciale in memoria di Mario Dal Pra per il settantesimo anniversario della fondazione della Rivista. Premessa.Enrico I. Rambaldi & Giovanni Rota - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):1-3.
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    Vittorio Sainati e Mario Mignucci: Studiosi Italiani di Logica Antica.Enrico Berti - 2004 - Méthexis 17 (1):85-86.
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  28.  14
    Il libro VI della Catena aurea entium di Enrico di Herford: un adattamento trecentesco del De mineralibus di Alberto Magno.Mario Loconsole - 2023 - Quaestio 23:315-332.
    In the mid-14th century, Henry of Herford wrote the Catena aurea entium, a work of remarkable length and composed of ten books – in turn divided into ansae extending over some 5000 questions. The present study aims to analyse some aspects that the recent critical edition of Book VI of the Catena has brought to light: firstly, the dependence on Albert the Great’s De mineralibus and the compilative method used by Henry in the reworking of his sources; secondly, the main (...)
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  29. Un editore amico della filosofia: Franco Angeli e Mario Dal Pra.Enrico Isacco Rambaldi Feldmann - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (3):523-542.
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  30.  49
    A identidade presbiteral depois do Vaticano II (Presbyterial Identity after Vatican II) - DOI: P.2175-5841.2011v9n24p1090. [REVIEW]Pe Geraldo Luiz Borges Hackmann - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):1090-1112.
    O artigo aborda a questão da identidade presbiteral do Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II até hoje. O ponto de partida são dois artigos sobre esse tema. Um foi escrito por Mauro Gagliardi, e publicado pela revista da Congregação para o Clero, e outro por José Maria Hernándes Martínez, CMF, e publicado pela revista Proyección. Apesar de tratarem da mesma questão, eles têm pontos de vista diferentes para compreender a fundamentação do proprium do ministério ordenado: a representação de Cristo ou a da (...)
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    Evandro Agazzi, Ragioni e limiti del formalismo. Saggi di filosofia della logica e della matematica, a cura e con una Prefazione di Fabio Minazzi, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2012, pp. 336. Mario Agostinelli, Roberto Meregalli, Pierattilio Tronconi, Cercare il Sole. Dopo Fukushima, Prefazione di Riccardo Petrella, Introduzione di Enrico[REVIEW]Maria Cristina Amoretti, Rossana Avanzi, Francesco Barone, Marta Bertolaso & Cosimo Caputo - 2012 - Epistemologia 35:347-349.
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    Hélène METZGER, Attraction universelle et religion naturelle chez quelques commentateurs anglais de Newton, deuxième édition établie par Mario Castellana et Enrico Gianetto, Hermann 2020, 342 p. [REVIEW]Philippe Hamou - 2023 - Philosophie 157 (2):88-90.
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  33. Classical and Intuitionistic Semantical Groundedness.Enrico Martino - 2018 - In Intuitionistic Proof Versus Classical Truth: The Role of Brouwer’s Creative Subject in Intuitionistic Mathematics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    The winter, the summer and the summer dream of artificial intelligence in law: Presidential address to the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law.Enrico Francesconi - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (2):147-161.
    This paper reflects my address as IAAIL president at ICAIL 2021. It is aimed to give my vision of the status of the AI and Law discipline, and possible future perspectives. In this respect, I go through different seasons of AI research : from the Winter of AI, namely a period of mistrust in AI, to the Summer of AI, namely the current period of great interest in the discipline with lots of expectations. One of the results of the first (...)
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  35.  11
    "Into Life." Franz Rosenzweig on Knowledge, Aesthetics, and Politics.Antonios Kalatzis & Enrico Lucca (eds.) - 2021 - Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
    The volume collects a series of groundbreaking new studies which delve into the work of Franz Rosenzweig and assess its enduring yet still unacknowledged value for Epistemology, Aesthetics, Moral and Political Philosophy, going far beyond Theology and Philosophy of Religion.
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  36. Replication of study 3 by May, J.\ & Holton, R.\ (Philosophical Studies, 2012).Mario Attie & Joshua Knobe - 2017
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  37. L'argomentazione dimostrativa in Aristotele.Mario Mignucci - 1977 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 82 (3):423-424.
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    Ripensare l'educazione.Mario Signore (ed.) - 2013 - Lecce: Pensa multimedia.
  39. Evoluzione e creazione.Mario Zatti - 1968 - Bologna,: R. Pàtron.
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    Husserl’s Hesitant Attempts to Extend Personhood to Animals.Mario Vergani - 2020 - Husserl Studies 37 (1):67-83.
    The question of the animal is one of the most intensely debated in the contemporary philosophical arena. The present article makes the case that Husserl’s phenomenological approach offers a stimulating and open-ended perspective on this discussion. The animal, indeed, is an instance of extreme otherness, which pushes phenomenology to its limits. The paper opens with an outline of the methodological issues raised by the question of the animal. It then examines what the animal—at this point, taken as a whole—and the (...)
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    Filosofia pratica.Enrico Berti - 2004 - Napoli: Guida.
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    The Bell phenomenon in a probabilistic approach.Enrico G. Beltrametti & Sławomir Bugajski - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 205--220.
  43. Principali tendence negli studi recenti di filosofia antica.Enrico Berti - 1987 - Filosofia Oggi 10 (4):525-544.
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  44. Couturat et la conception kantienne de la géométrie.Mario Laserna - 1983 - In Louis Couturat (ed.), L'oeuvre de Louis Couturat (1868-1914): de Leibniz à Russell. Paris: Rue d'Ulm.
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    Frauen um Nietzsche.Mario Leis - 2000 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.
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    Which world and what kind of end?Mario Schönhart - 2012 - Disputatio Philosophica 14 (1):5-14.
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  47. Regímenes no democráticos y democracias menos republicanas.Mario Serrafero - 2008 - In Mario Daniel Serrafero (ed.), Pasado y futuro: una complejidad en clave política. [Argentina]: Sociedad Científica Argentina.
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  48. Mabillon and modern philosophy.Mario Sina - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (1):33-48.
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  49. Metascientific Queries.Mario Bunge - 1959 - Studia Logica 12:207-208.
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    Immagini in serie e fuoriserie.Enrico Terrone & Federica Cavaletti - 2024 - In Giovanni Boccia Artieri (ed.), Storia e teoria della serialità. 3: Le forme della narrazione contemporanea tra arte, consumi e ambienti artificiali. Milan: Meltemi. pp. 235-257.
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